DXN Tech Apps

MyPearson PD 1.0.8
DXN Tech
Professional Development Courses
Glacier 1.0.1
DXN Tech
Welcome to the Glacier by Sanlam Sales and Distribution KnowledgeApplication System. This is a closed application and is for the useof the Glacier Sales and Distribution team. Glacier FinancialSolutions PTY Ltd (Glacier by Sanlam) is a licensed financialservices provider and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sanlam, offeringa comprehensive range of solutions designed to assist in thecreation and preservation of wealth. These solutions include localand international investments, pre- and post-retirement solutionsand short-term insurance. Glacier brings together leading expertsand respected financial services companies to meet our clients’financial needs. We deliver focused financial services throughspecialist teams and pride ourselves on being a chosen partner ofacclaimed financial intermediaries through our superior solutionsand our quality service. For more information visitwww.glacier.co.za.
Kloof High School 1.0.1
DXN Tech
Thank you for downloading our app. I hope you find it informativeand interesting. For more than 50 years Kloof High School has beena centre of excellence serving the Kloof and Upper Highway Area.Many of our students have a very impressive post-school record andhave gone on to join some of the finest professions. We are proudof our school and invite you to explore what this fine school hasto offer. Mrs Dawn Lefort
Constantiapark Laerskool 1.0.8
DXN Tech
Laerskool Constantiapark is ‘n Afrikaansmedium openbare skool vanafgr. 0 (6 j. oud) tot gr. 7 (13 j. oud). Die Gauteng Departement vanOnderwys se kurrikulum word gevolg met addisionele verryking inrekenaaronderrig in twee rekenaarsentrums. Die onderwysbenaderingis uitnodigend met klem op basiese geletterdheid in Afrikaans,Engels en Wiskunde. Die twee tale ontvang ewe veel onderrigtyd.
TuksSport High School 1.0.0
DXN Tech
TuksSport High School is an Independent co-ed school, catering forlearners from Grade 8 - 12. The school forms part of the HighPerformance Centre (hpc), and shares its vision of offering aunique sporting and learning environment to its learners. Thisspecialized school allows current and potential high performanceathletes to train and travel internationally, while still stayingin school. TuksSport High School offers learner athletes a uniqueopportunity to live out their passion for sport in a distinctivesporting milieu created by the high performance centre (hpc) andthe University of Pretoria.
Hennopspark Laerskool 1.0.6
DXN Tech
Die kaalvoet-pret-prestasieskool met ‘n christelike grondslag watstreef na uitnemendheid en hulle ten doel stel om elke kind intotaliteit te ontwikkel.
Gaborone City 1.0.6
DXN Tech
Gaborone City App is a Mobile application designed to provideinstant access to information about Botswana government, GaboroneCity Council, businesses and organizations based in Gaborone. Theinformation is grouped into relevant search categories to make iteasy to find. The categories include Restaurants, Accommodations,Schools, Business services, Shops, Events, agencies and many more.Gaborone City App is available for free download in Android orGoogle Play Store and Apple App for smart phones and tablets. OurServices: 1. Business and Organisations Directory listing andBusiness Profiling: We offers searchers detailed information abouteverything going on in and around Gaborone city. We profilecompanies and organisations to market their services through theapp. In addition, we have integrated mapping service to help bringlocal customers right to your business doorstep. 2. e-Commerceservice: e-Commerce is at its best via mobile. e-Commerce mean thatcustomers can buy things online without physically going to shop.Our App have an inbuilt online shop where your consumers canpurchase your inventory of any product that forms part of yourproduct or service catalogue. 3. Lead Management service: Ourapplication provides clients with an automated way to track leadsand nurture them until they become buyers. A lead management systemautomates the lifecycle of leads once they’ve been captured,preventing them from being overlooked and ensuring they’re promptlyfollowed up on to increase the chance of conversion. Integration:Our App can be integrated with different systems to enableautomation of process that could have been done manually. Weachieve this through implementation of powerful back-end servicebus that can orchestrate, audit, transform and mediate all businesstransactions flow in addition to managing relevant errors. Benefitsfor Business and Organization listing in the app - ContactInformation allows you to give customers multiple ways to contactyour business - Image Gallery allows you to display images of yourbusinesses or products in a beautiful image gallery optimized foriPhone and Android - Push notifications feature to send messages toyour customers whenever you’d like sent using our easy to useContent Management System (CMS) - Mailing List feature allows youto stay in contact with your customers by gathering names ande-mail directly inside the app - Inbuilt shop to sell your productsand services directly through the App. - GPS Directions that giveyour customers turn-by- turn GPS directions to your offices andbranches from anywhere in the world - Tell-A- Friend or Sharefeature lets your customers take your company viral with built insharing capabilities over Email, SMS, Facebook and Twitter.
Winston Park Primary 1.0.1
DXN Tech
Winston Park Primary School offers an excellent academic andsporting programme as well as: A well equipped computer centre. Awarm and stimulating Grade R. Private remedial lessons, OT Therapyand Speech Therapy offered during school hours. Supervisedaftercare facilities until 5.30 p.m. Experienced, dedicatedteachers and staff to guide the children. We Nurture: Individualtalents and strengthen weaknesses. Self-worth Social ConfidenceSelf discipline Tolerance Independence Like our motto, “Grow inStrength”, our children cope with high school expectations and thechallenges of life as balanced, perceptive pupils. The schoolencourages pupils to participate in various sporting activities aswell as cultural pursuits. With this in mind, a varied sport andsocial choice is on offer where special talent is identified andnurtured. The school is committed to keeping class sizes small andproud of its ability to view each child as an individual and giveeach child personal attention. High academic standards have ensuredthe awarding of scholarships and bursaries to high schools. Ourintern programme continues to be extremely successful with eachclass in the Foundation Phase benefitting from having a teacherassistant present. Our Team, comprising Governing Body, SchoolManagement, Parents, Teachers, and Pupils, is committed todeveloping the school’s ethos.
JuniorTukkie 1.2.3
DXN Tech
The JuniorTukkie programme at the University of Pretoria has beenestablished to assist learners in Grades 9 to 12 as well as first-to final-year students to make responsible study and careerchoices. JuniorTukkie also develops important skills in order tobetter equip these learners and students for the challenges theymay face in their personal capacity as well as professionally. TheJuniorTukkie programme provides among others, a wide variety ofservices to learners and students such as first-hand information onstudy and career options, develop leadership qualities, lifeskills, study skills, engage in community projects, and many more.Download the JuniorTukkie App and get all the JuniorTukkie news andimportant information.
Gideons interApp 1.0.4
DXN Tech
This is a free application that allows users to interact withGideons and Friends of Gideons. The Gideons interApp will provide aplatform on which Prayer Requests, Testimonies, Photos, News andEvents can be shared with just the use of your thumb. Users will beable to sign up as Friends of Gideons, purchase Bibles and makedonations directly. It is a witnessing tool in the palm of yourhand that can help win other to Christ. SPECIAL FREATURES: • Becomea Friend: Sign up as a Friend of Gideons feature – support TheGideons International through prayer and financial contributions. •Calendar & Events: Register for and attend events that occur inThe Gideons International throughout the year. • National BlitzesCentre: Register for and attend a national scripture blitz withGideons. • News & Updates: Read about the latest news withinThe Gideons International ministry in our SA Gideon e-Magazine,newsletter and blogs. • Photo Library: Have access to excitingphotos and videos of Bible placements and Testimonies happening allaround the world. • Prayer & Give Centre: Add/Viewinternational and national prayer requests. Give a financialcontribution to The Gideons International with just the use of yourthumb. • Order Bibles: Do an in-app purchase and place your orderof Bibles at only R25 each. SOCIAL INTEGRATION: Share content withyour family, friends, colleagues and churches via Facebook,Twitter, Instagram or email. • Facebook: You can share our latesttestimonies, events, news or anything in the app with just oneclick. • Instagram: Share an amazing photo that gives a thousandwords of God’s great work throughout the world. DEVOTIONAL CONTENT:• Bible Reading Calendar: The Daily Bible Reading calendar takesyou through the Old Testament and New Testament once a year. •Prayer Calendar: The Daily Prayer Calendar takes you through a31-day prayer cycle with special prayer requests. Wifi Internet isrequired for iPod touch. For more information about The GideonsInternational, please visit: http://www.gideons.co.za For moreinformation about the Friends of Gideons initiative, please visit:http://www.gideons.co.za/become-a-friend/
The Kiteboarding Collective 1.0.0
DXN Tech
The Kiteboarding Collective is more than just anotherkiteboardingschool. We are a collective of passionate individualsdedicated toproviding you with more than just another holiday. Withyears ofkiteboarding and hospitality management behind us, we havetheexperience and expertise to deliver excellence in all theserviceswe provide.
Enitiative 1.0.6
DXN Tech
Enitiative is an interactive workshop that enables you to writeamodern business plan, which can be used to successfully rolloutyour new entrepreneurial venture or grow your existing business.
KZN Connect 2.0.0
DXN Tech
Welcome to KZN Connect.
Duo Edu 1.0.1
DXN Tech
Duo Edu het sy ontstaan gehad deurdat ‘n behoefte geïdentifiseerisvanuit die praktyk van Dr Lorraine du Toit(OpvoedkundigeSielkundige): Hoërskoolleerders met spesifiekeleerbehoeftes hetdit uitdagend gevind om hulself binne diehoofstroom klaskamer tehandhaaf. Die skool het sy ontstaan gehad in2001 met 5 leerders,een onderwyseres (Mev Hettie Conning) en ‘nskoolhoof as deel vandie Doktorale studie van die skoolhoof, DrLorraine du Toit! Daaris aanvanklik ingeskakel by die kurrikulumvan Breinlyn, en lateras deeltydse graad 12 leerders by dieDepartement van Onderwysgeregistreer. Dus kon die leerders hulGraad 12 oor 2 jaar skryf.Die ongelooflike akkommoderende enhulpverlenende ingesteldheid vanHoërskool Garsfontein, met Mnr Dirkvan Zyl aan die hoof, het ditmoontlik gemaak om Duo Edu se eerstematriekeksamens af te lê.Hoërskool Garsfontein het onsgeakkommodeer vir ‘n hele paareksamensittings! Ons eerste leerdershet dus in 2004 vir Duo Edu seeerste 100% slaagsyfer gesorg!William Nicolstraat 565 was ook vandaardie jaar af die permanentetuiste van Duo Edu. Visie: Onsstreef daarna om elke leerder dievoorreg te gun om binne ‘nleeromgewing te funksioneer wat sal leitot die optimalisering vansy of haar potensiaal. Missie: Duo Edu isverbind daartoe om: •Ondersteunende Onderwys aan leerders(Hoërskool) wat in een of meerleerareas ondersteuning nodig het tebied; • daarna te streef omelke leerder (adolessent) se uniekheiden bepaalde moontlikhedeoptimaal te ontwikkel; • te poog om dieleerder se bestaandesterkpunte ten volle te benut om sy / haarleerbehoeftes deuraanpassing in die onderrigmetodiek en hulpmiddelste omseil, omsodoende maksimale skolastiese funksionering tebewerkstellig; •die geestelike groei van elke leerder optimaal teontwikkel; •leierseienskappe van leerders te bevorder, en hullesodoende tebemagtig vir die posisies wat hul na hul skoolloopbaanbeklee;
Anton van Wouw 1.0.3
DXN Tech
Om ʼn verantwoordelike, selfstandige, gelukkige en trotse kindtotvolle potensiaal in die etos van ons omgewing te ontwikkel entoete rus om bydraes te maak in Suid-Afrika en internasionaal. Onswildit bereik deur goed toegeruste, gemotiveerde enkundigeonderwysers, met die beste, bekostigbare fasiliteite binnedieomgewing (sosiaal-, polities- en besigheids) in vennootskapmetbetrokke ouers.
011 By The Baron 1.1.7
DXN Tech
Riding on the coat-tails of The Baron Group, 011 JHB wasconceived.The aim was to create an upmarket dining venue that couldserviceJHB and its immediate neighbours, while also still keepingthe samequality and service that could be expected from any of TheBaron’srestaurants.
The Baron 1.3.6
DXN Tech
The Baron Group is a professional entertainment group. Managedandoperated by a team of dynamic professionals. We ensure thatquality& service to our clientele is fast and efficient, and ofthehighest standard. We live by our Motto “ Nothing is toomuchtrouble” and truly believe that great service and quailityfoodwill always make us the number one choice in diningandentertainment.
Weskus Connect 2.0.0
DXN Tech
Welcome to Weskus Connect.